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find your way around

Thoughtful way to support new parents beyond traditional gifts | Practical tips for post-baby assistance.

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Capturing the Beauty of Newborns in Mom and Dad’s Arms!: Embracing the Serenity {in photos} Capturing the Beauty of Newborns in Mom & Dad’s Arms!!!! Take photos of Newborns in Mom & Dad’s Arms! Ok, I repeated that a few times but hear me out there’s a reason! As a mother of four, I understand […]

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Hashtag boy-mom

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My favorite things in the world are coffee {we have an ah-maz-ing expresso maker} Beyonce & Gilmore Girls, and when I’m not shooting you’ll find me watching our kids play basketball. Seriously, our younger kids BOTH are on travel basketball teams. I couldn’t live without BLACK yoga pants, my friends and family oh, AND 90's music... think Digital Underground, Spice Girls, Janet, Sinead O'Connor, Tribe Called Quest, Greenday.... you get the picture { at least I hope}. I spend a lot of time wandering the aisles of Target & or Home Goods and nothing makes me happier than laughing with my friends.

Story keeper & business booster - Photographer

I’m Stacy

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hello lovelies!