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Family Photos: Let’s talk about legacy & healing

Image taken by Meghan of Chicka Artistica
The image was taken by Meghan of Chicka Artistica

{Family photos} I hope when you read that line above you sang/rapped/yelled it in your best Jay-Z/HOV voice!

My name is Stacy! Family photographer: Welcome to Four Souls Photography! I capture the memories of your families and high school seniors!

I want to take you back on a journey and tell you how Four Souls came to be. Stick with me but please know this post comes with a Trigger Warning!

Trigger Warning: This post discusses topics of death and miscarriage.

I said reintroduce as I owned a family photo/photography business back in 2007 under a different name. Life changed so much since that time. The biggest of course is going from a family of three to six.

Four Souls Photography Family image
Four Souls Kids
Family Photo Session

In 2021, my life took a heart-wrenching turn. My beloved grandfather, affectionately known as “Doc,” was battling serious health issues. Our family rallied around him, making his comfort and needs our top priority. Doc was a man of many talents, but what endeared him to me most was his gift for photography.

For as long as I can remember, whenever you saw Doc, he had a camera around his neck or pressed to his eye. In fact, my earliest memories include the click of his camera shutter.

When I was around two years old, he had an in-home darkroom where he lovingly developed our family’s photographs. Little did I know then that this early exposure to photography would shape my life in profound ways.

Family Photos: Baby Two-Year old Stacy with Doc's camera in hand
Family Photos | Image taken and developed by Doc

As Doc’s health deteriorated, I made it a point to visit him, camera in hand. It was difficult to witness his mental decline due to dementia and Alzheimer’s, but those moments behind the lens became some of the most cherished images I’ve ever captured.

Then came Christmas morning, December 25, 2021. Doc closed his eyes, transitioning from this world to the next. Just four days later, on December 29, 2021, my own body began to miscarry. Over the following weeks, I found myself shuttling back and forth to doctors’ offices for countless blood tests. The ordeal continued into March before finally coming to an end.

Images above of me checking into the ER to be given a small dose of methotrexate to treat the ectopic pregnancy.

In late January, a serendipitous encounter with AWL Creative sparked something within me. I had planned to stop by their studio after a medical appointment but felt compelled to turn around before I stepped out of the car. It was as if a voice whispered for me to go back home and officially schedule an appointment.

The next week, as I left yet another doctor’s office appointment, I connected with the wonderful ladies at AWL Creative. The owner, in particular, spoke words that breathed life into my weary spirit. She shared exactly what I needed to hear at that moment. {You can see more here}

And so, in March, Four Souls Photography was reborn.

Legacy is the driving force behind my work. Doc, with his passion for photography, left us with a beautiful legacy. I can’t help but believe that he and our precious daughter, now together in heaven, are cheering me on as I embark on this journey. Through the lens of my camera, I’m capturing moments, creating memories, and forging a legacy of my own, inspired by those who came before me.

So there I’m back! My name is Stacy, sun in Aries, Moon in Scorpio, moon rising in Taurus, manifesting generator 1/3, will travel for vegan food, love Beyonce, coffee is a must, and love long walks on the beach! HA!! That last part is a terrible dad joke! Your family photos mean something to your legacy let’s capture it

{Hopefully, someone besides my momma will read and support this space.}

Photographer in yellow and jeans on the beach in Delaware


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